A well-built pond adds beauty and value to your property. Cascading waterfalls, running streams, and colorful fish create a new destination to sit back, relax, and enjoy.
New Pond Design & Construction
Pond construction is our specialty. We’ve designed and built decorative fish and garden ponds from 300 gallons to over 140,000 gallons. And because we do our own in-house maintenance, we know what creates long-term success.
Pond Maintenance
We offer maintenance schedules to fit any need - from weekly visits to seasonal services - Spring cleanouts, Fall Nettings, and Winter Closings.
Equipment Repair and Upgrades
Having the right equipment for your specific pond is crucial for its success. We design, specify, install, and upgrade wetlands and weir type filters, skimmers, biofalls, submersible and external pumps, ultraviolet sterilizers and ionizers, cartridge and media filters, and automatic water fill systems.
Floating Pond Fountains and Aerators
We install and service decorative floating fountains, aeration systems, deicers, and water movers. These features add beauty to your large pond, lake, or water retention area as well as improving lake health and water quality.
Underwater and landscape lighting should be considered an integral part of any pond installation. Proper lighting adds beauty and safety to your outdoor oasis.
Koi Stocking
Koi have been kept domestically for over 100 years. Keeping these beautiful fish is the reason many people get interested in ponds. We hand-select koi and other pond fish for all of our pond clients.